Latest from the Swamp

Art Too Big for a Museum: The African Village in America

Before the pandemic, nearly every trip I took included a visit to at least one art museum. In any one museum I could easily spend hours meandering past paintings and sculptures and reading the labels. I would take photos of my favorites, not wanting to forget the pieces that had resonated in some way. As…

Florida, the Promised Land (Part 1)

On January 1, 1894, Cyrus Reed Teed and three of his followers arrived on the west coast of Florida, as they had been invited to visit a small settled area south of Fort Myers. Upon observing the land along the Estero Bay, Teed ecstatically proclaimed it to be the New Jerusalem. He and his followers…

The Devil’s Garden

My favorite quotes about the Everglades are the unflattering ones. “If the Devil owned both Hell and Florida, he would rent out Florida and live in Hell,” wrote one soldier tasked with chasing the Seminoles out of the Everglades, their native lands. And another, by writer James Carlos Blake: “If the Devil ever raised a…

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